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  • Old East Village BIA

Position Available: Program and Project Coordinator. Apply until May 15th.

Old East Village Business Improvement Area

Project and Program Coordinator Job Description


The Project and Programs Coordinator will assist the Old East Village BIA Manager to implement a range of projects and programs on the Old East Village commercial corridor of Dundas Street, between Adelaide and Charlotte Streets.


  • Promote and coordinate applications to the City Of London, Old East Village Incentives Programs.

  • Liaise with City of London staff, and local business and property owners to implement the incentives programs, building renovations and new developments, and a range of upcoming and ongoing infrastructure projects.

  • Prepare grants or funding requests as well as requests for technical and other resource support for specific initiatives.

  • Provide support to the Old East Village Development Corporation on collaborative initiatives.

  • Assist with business attraction and retention activities including marketing and promotion, liaison with municipal departments and inquiries for lease and purchase from potential businesses and property owners.

  • Collaborate with regional academic programs to implement market data collection and analysis.

  • Review and provide comment on policy reports and, plans and other documents.

  • Assist with the planning and execution of community consultations and the annual AGM.

  • Prepare reports and presentations.

  • Assist with the development of a business and property owner information package.

  • Support the planning and execution of monthly Board Meetings

  • Other duties as delegated by the BIA Manager


  • Strong written and oral communication skills

  • Ability to multi task and coordinate programs and projects within multiple time lines.

  • Experience in writing funding requests and grants.

  • Ability to create and foster relationships with businesses and property owners, and Municipal staff.

  • Ability to critically review and analyze procedures, reports and policy, formulate summaries and provide comment.

  • Ability to work productively as part of a multi-disciplinary team.

  • Strong proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite including Access Database system.

  • Familiarity with GIS mapping.

Education and Experience

Minimum two years of professional experience required including project/program management and liaison responsibilities.

The Project and Program Coordinator should have no less than a Bachelor’s degree or College Diploma in Urban Planning, Geography, Business/ Economic Development or a related field.


Reports to the BIA Manager and through the BIA Manager to the Board of Directors

This is a one year contract. Resumes and cover letters will be accepted until May 15th at Subject Line: NAME – Coordinator Submission

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