The Old East Village BIA has been working through the pandemic to provide support to business owners during this difficult time. These have come in a variety of forms, some are ongoing efforts while others are new offerings!
Check out our video to see these changes on the corridor.
See below for a brief list of what we’ve been up to and how businesses can take advantage of these opportunities.
First, after recognizing that it has been an ongoing concern of business owners, we have set up The Graffiti Removal Fund.

Here’s how it works: Graffiti removal services are free of charge if BIA staff are able to accomplish the removal. If a more intense intervention is required by a professional, the OEV BIA will cover half of the cost up to $300! Stay tuned for more information on this program or contact the BIA if you’re interested in graffiti removal now
Next, over the past four months, so many sectors have been working with reduced staff. So in an effort to help control litter, BIA staff have been performing incidental clean ups when out on the corridor in addition to working with the City of London to report and request clean ups for larger litter problems.

Lastly, we hope you have noticed some of the new beautification projects along Dundas Street!

As you know, a number of murals have popped up on the corridor since May. These were created by a variety of London artists to help enliven storefronts that have been boarded up due to COVID-19. Funded by the City of London Core Area Action Plan, the BIA has worked collaboratively with local artists and business owners to beautify OEV during this time. The project has been a success and this mural project is ongoing! There is more art to come. A sixth mural is set to start soon. Stay tuned and be sure to check out our latest video to see this work in action!
In addition to the Facade Beautification Murals, keep your eye out for garbage can makeovers! Municipal garbage bins have been treated to a bright and cheery makeover to bring visibility and character to garbage disposal in the construction area. If you happen to walk by some freshly painted garbage bins in OEV, now you know why!

Please don’t hesitate to contact the Old East Village BIA at or by phone at (519) 645-7662 if you have any questions regarding the supports that we can offer the community and the businesses in the area! We are here to help.